
Encounter God’s plan for the human person


Three Books That Will Rebuild Civilization

Throughout history, literature has played a crucial role in forming (and deforming) civilizations. Postmodernism produced a plethora of works espousing skepticism and relativism, and we see the destructive results all around us. It forces us to seek out literary works...

FOMO in the Sorority House

When I first decided to live the virtue of chastity, including saving myself for marriage, it seemed a wise choice. Avoiding some nasty consequences and being a unique gift to my future husband made sense. But, I was unprepared for the deluge of pressure I'd encounter...

Hope: The Restoration Project

Are you looking for hope in the troubled times in which we live? “I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization…
Three Books That Will Rebuild Civilization

Three Books That Will Rebuild Civilization

Throughout history, literature has played a crucial role in forming (and deforming) civilizations. Postmodernism produced a plethora of works espousing skepticism and relativism, and we see the destructive results all around us. It forces us to seek out literary works...

FOMO in the Sorority House

FOMO in the Sorority House

When I first decided to live the virtue of chastity, including saving myself for marriage, it seemed a wise choice. Avoiding some nasty consequences and being a unique gift to my future husband made sense. But, I was unprepared for the deluge of pressure I'd encounter...

Hope: The Restoration Project

Hope: The Restoration Project

Are you looking for hope in the troubled times in which we live? “I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization…

Great Literature and The One Thing

Great Literature and The One Thing

Do you ever struggle to focus or pray? Do you wonder why? I certainly do. Maybe countless hours, days, even years of watching screens are part of the problem. I switch the channel or swipe to whatever interests me most. Flashing headlines…

Personal Witness at the Institute

Personal Witness at the Institute

The Power of a Personal Testimony
For almost 25 years, starting at age 16, I worked with an amazing retreat team that focused on personal testimonies to relay the Gospel. An attractive teen boy proclaimed the challenges and benefits of trusting in God’s plan for romantic…

Personal Tribute to Pope Benedict XVI

Personal Tribute to Pope Benedict XVI

I became informed of the death of Pope Benedict XVI early yesterday from our chaplain, Fr. David Skillman.  Although expected due to the report of his declining health, my heart stirred with both sadness and joy, knowing that a beloved spiritual father…

Becoming a Work of Art

Becoming a Work of Art

In an interview with Vittorio Messori, Pope Benedict XVI, then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, stated that “the only real effective apologia for Christianity comes down to two arguments, namely, the saints the Church has produced and the art which has grown in her...