The Institute really lit a fire under us! The Church teaching wasn’t just a set of rules. It came to life in such a beautiful and tangible way; experiencing the witness couples, the discussions and being in the home of a Christian family.
Ben and Alyssa


People need to know that God’s plan for our bodies and sexuality is so different from what’s been communicated to so many people. Theology of the Body is the antidote for the world’s problems today. It is healing; for me personally, and in the lives of so many of our loved ones. It is the foundation for your faith. Once you learn it, you want to learn more and more, and the more you learn about it, the more you understand different aspects of your faith. We’d love to share our testimony or welcome people into our homes, just knowing how much that impacted us, we want to return that gift to someone else.
Paul and Faith

In a culture caught between extreme and contrary understandings of what it means to be a human person, the Institute presents a model that upholds humanity’s God-given dignity. The perspectives given by the priests, religious, seminarians, and lay people who attend group meetings has helped to shine light on the text of the Theology of the Body and bring the reality of God’s universal call to communion into focus in my life as a single man.

The Institute really changed the trajectory of our lives – changed our outlook on NFP, on our marriage, on our family life – everything. We definitely could have seen all of that going very differently if we wouldn’t have had the TOB discussions and small group. I could very easily see us giving up on NFP because it is difficult. But, learning all this and having this foundation gave us a bedrock before our marriage began, to build all of this upon. And, we have the fruit of five children we weren’t even planning on having at this point. Later, we began to host TOB meetings in our home for college students in our parish.
Duncan and Kate

Father Joshua
Interested in a weekend or a conference to deepen your faith?
Consider attending a Theology of the Body session, upcoming conference, or event.
Why We Exist
The Institute invites Christians to a greater awareness of our identity as human persons created in the image of God, articulated in Sacred Scripture and the beautiful teachings of Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.

Changing a Culture
Through exposure to the truth of God’s plan for humanity in our programs, Institute participants have experienced tangible fruits in all areas of their lives. If multiplied exponentially, exposure to these truths by our programs will dramatically impact the culture.
+ Misunderstanding and Devaluing the Human Person
+ Devaluation of Prayer and the Sacraments
We’re presently living in a digital age in which prayer is deeply diminished in the hierarchy of activities. Individuals are leaving the Church at unprecedented rates because they do not know Jesus. Faith and reason are seen as separate – and, in some instances, even opposed. The COVID pandemic revealed this symptom in a particular way, as we saw major obstacles created that inhibited the faithful’s ability to receive the sacraments and to share in communal life.
+ Lack of Catechesis and Formation
The majority of Catholics suffer from a lack of catechesis and formation within the church, which has led to a disconnect from our Lord and from the other members of the Body of Christ. This lack of catechesis and formation creates an obstacle for understanding what it truly means to be human, and perpetuates every other item on this list by a failure to instill in the faithful the foundations of our faith.
+ Lack of Vocational Discernment
A general lack of understanding of each individual’s call to a particular vocation, as well as a lack of discernment overall, leads to general unhappiness and unfulfillment, and perpetuates sin. This continues to bear bad fruits in clerical scandals and broken marriages and families.
+ Lack of Engagement in Communal Life
Human beings today lack authentic friendship and community. We see relationships taking the shape of companionships centered on materialism and superficialities because we lack the tools to recognize and seek out genuine, lasting fellowship with others. This has been brought about by, among other things, digital connections that confuse the human person.
+ Misunderstanding of Human Sexuality
A widespread acceptance of the separation of body and soul has led to disordered sexual activity. Decades of untruths surrounding abortion, contraception, and the divine purpose of sex have permeated the public to an especially damaging degree.