
Encounter God’s plan for the human person


Three Books That Will Rebuild Civilization

Throughout history, literature has played a crucial role in forming (and deforming) civilizations. Postmodernism produced a plethora of works espousing skepticism and relativism, and we see the destructive results all around us. It forces us to seek out literary works...

FOMO in the Sorority House

When I first decided to live the virtue of chastity, including saving myself for marriage, it seemed a wise choice. Avoiding some nasty consequences and being a unique gift to my future husband made sense. But, I was unprepared for the deluge of pressure I'd encounter...

Hope: The Restoration Project

Are you looking for hope in the troubled times in which we live? “I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization…
Being Attracted by the Beauty of Jesus Christ

Being Attracted by the Beauty of Jesus Christ

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (later, Pope Benedict XVI) delivered an important address to the group Communion and Liberation in 2002 entitled “The Feeling of Things, the Contemplation of Beauty.”  He placed before us the beauty of…

The Person of Jesus Christ

The Person of Jesus Christ

The most foundational aspect of the lives and teaching of St. John Paul the Great and Benedict XVI is the focus on the Person of Jesus Christ and His relation to each human heart.  This may seem elementary at first; but when one considers points of emphasis...

Why Catholic Humanism?

Why Catholic Humanism?

Pope St. John Paul the Great and Pope Benedict XVI have a common thread in their writings and their partnership, both in the pre-papal years and during their pontificates: a particular emphasis on ‘Catholic Humanism’ – or perhaps put differently, theological...